Goal 3 Add/Subtract

Goal 3 – Within 10

Concrete Routines
1)       All the Ways – have students show all the ways to make 10 on their abacuses or on the large class abacus.  At first they may do this without an organized system, but provide assistance in noticing patterns and encourage students to develop a systematic approach (e.g., 0+10, 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, …).  Have students write and/or say all the ways to make 10 in the following ways:
a)    Using equations such as 10=0+10, 10=1+9, …
b)   In part-whole grids
c)    In a table (horizontal and/or vertical)

2)      Abacus Choral – have student(s) model “Within 10” addition problems first, and then addition and subtraction problems interchangeably.  When working on Goal 3 addition, you’ll need to include problems from Goals 1 and 2, since all of the Goal 3 addition problems make 10.  For subtraction, at least at first, you’ll probably want to focus in on the Goal 3 facts.  When students are relatively fluent with Goal 3 subtraction, be sure to incorporate Goal 1 and Goal 2 subtraction.
3)      Ten Frame Choral – have students model “Within 10” problems using individual ten frames (see FactsWise Part-Whole Resources) and two colored counters.
4)      Snap Cube Student Leaders – have one or more students use snap cubes (unifix, multilink, …) to model “within 10” addition and subtraction problems and lead students in choral responses such as “10=6 + what?” and “10-6 makes”.

Representational Routines
5)      Two Hands Cards Choral – show students the “Within 10” two-hand cards (see FactsWise Part-Whole Resources) and use choral response, such as “10=7 + what?” and “10-7 makes”.
6)      Ten Frame Choral – show students “Within 10” ten-frame cards and use choral response, such as “10=7 + what?” and “10-7 makes”.  Ten-frame cards - http://www.wsd1.org/pc_math/Dot%20Card%20and%20Ten%20Frame%20Package2005.pdf.
7)      Ten Frame Powerpoint – work with students to develop a choral response routine for the “Within 10” powerpoints for addition and subtraction.
8)      Part-Whole Grid Choral – show students part-whole grids for “Within 10” (see FactsWise Part-Whole Resources) and have students state both the addition and subtraction relationships while you write them on the board. 

Abstract Routines
9)      Snap Facts – Say a fact such as “5+3 makes” and then use a hand signal for wait.  Give students 2 or 3 seconds to process, and then snap your fingers, at which time students will choral respond with the answer.  Watch carefully for facts where some students are delaying their answers, and repeat those several times before you end the activity.  Remember to spend more time on subtraction facts than you do on addition facts!

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